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Developer diaries


Staff member
Wiki Redactor
Jul 22, 2021
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Developer diaries

The developer diaries is an ongoing diary that will eventually show and put the spotlight on one or multiple features that are worked on, before actually showing them on the final update thread. They are also to relate with what is published on the Discord server.

What's new today?

Today we will shed light on two skills that will come in the internel 3.24 update, Charisma and Insight as well as the Party range.



This skill helps you when you are leading a group. It reflects back a portion of the bonuses to you for the different roles you assigned to your group members. If you assign a group member as a blocker, for example, not only the HP of the blocker increases, but so does your own to a smaller extent.
The bonuses you win increase with your charisma level and the size of your group – the higher your level in charisma and the larger the group, the more you will receive of the respective leader bonuses.


This skill is useful if you are assigned a role by the leader. It increases the bonuses you earn through the role. The better developed your **inspiration** is, the stronger the bonuses you receive this way.
This means that an attacker who has already gained a number of levels in this skill will benefit more from this role than someone who hasn’t levelled up this skill.

Party Range

The party range is a passive skill that allows a good leader to have the range on which the exp multiplier and bonuses are applied to be extended. The maximum amount is two times the original range.